Ramblers Guidelines - Blackburn Rambling Association

Blackburn Rambling Association
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Rambler's Guidelines

All members of a rambling party will be subject to the instructions of the designated leader.

Any non-member joining a rambling party must give their name and address to the leader who must record it.

Anyone walking ahead of the party leader should at all times remain within sight and sound of the party. Anyone not doing so will be considered to have left the party. People  walking ahead force the pace of the walk and make it difficult to keep  the group together.

No-one shall leave a rambling party without first informing the leader of their intention to do so.

All closed gates must be re-closed by the last member to pass through it.

Members  of a rambling party will at all times follow the Country Code and every  effort should be made to avoid offending country people.

After a ramble the next to the last driver should not leave the parking  area until the last driver confirms that his vehicle has started.

Other information can be found in the members handbook.


Created by JDO 2020
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